OpenWAVE, an open source implementation for the IEEE WAVE Gateway component

Today Satellite Communication (SATCOM) systems Capital and Operational Expenditures (CAPEX and OPEX) are kept high by proprietary interfaces, hardware and software solutions. In this context, the application of Software Defined Network (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) concepts represent a breakthrough that can significantly increase innovation, sustainability and margins.
The IEEE Waveform Architecture for Virtualized Ecosystems (WAVE) initiative aims at revolutionizing the SATCOM industry with a powerful combination of SDN/NFV concepts, open source software and FPGAs. More in particular, IEEE WAVE aims at standardizing waveform virtualization, breaking vendor lock-in by opening software, firmware, and hardware components.
Virtual Open Systems has a long history of open source contributions and a strong know-how in virtualized SDN/NFV solutions. With such a legacy the company wants to play a key role in this process by presenting OpenWAVE, an opensource FPGA virtualization solution for SATCOM systems. OpenWAVE leverages years of company experience in FPGA virtualization, and targets to close the gap between SATCOM and SDV, NFV, Cloud computing and Software Defined Radio (SDR).
OpenWAVE and SR-IOV Virtualization Function Framework (SVFF)
SR-IOV Virtualization Function Framework (SVFF) is a set of tools that aim at simplifying and enhance FPGA SR-IOV management in cloud/datacenters. This technology was developed initially in the EVEREST project, and represents the starting point of the OpenWAVE implementation.
The main SVFF benefits are:
It adds SR-IOV re-configuration support to virtual machines
It enhances performance and improves resource utilization & system efficiency
It features a pause functionality that enable the detachment of VFs from the host without detaching them from the guest, making reconfiguration of VFs transparent for guests
SVFF can be deployed in SATCOM Space Ground & Terminal systems, but also High Performance Computing (HPC), cloud and AI applications.

OpenWAVE: Overview of the SVFF architecture with two KVM guests
The video below presents an introduction to OpenWAVE and the first proof of concept of SVFF showing how FPGA hardware accelerators can be managed in a cloud-oriented manner within virtualized systems.
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