Innovation around heterogeneous ARM embedded systems

Virtual Open Systems has proven, since the beginning of its history, a strong capability to surf the innovation by constantly investing in research and development related to open source virtualization for heterogeneous embedded systems, based on the Linux Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) hypervisor. The company is involved in several European and national consortium driving the future evolutions and extensions of open source KVM-on-ARM hypervisor, while reinforcing international partnerships with leading companies and academical research centers. The running research projects, the company is involved in, cover important aspects of the embedded systems virtualization for several market segments (automotive, consumer, networking, servers, mobile) for which the adoption of virtualization technology has become a must.
Research projects for innovation in virtualization KVM extensions
Proven skills in virtualization software development for ARM based heterogeneous embedded systems and an ability in looking ahead to the next innovation extension to enable the connected objects world in the era of Internet of Things (IoT) have contributed to build a solid reputation around Virtual Open Systems. Many commercial and academical partners look for teaming up with Virtual Open Systems when innovation and research represent the target of new projects, such as:
Horizon Europe VITAMIN-V Project: Virtual Environment and Tool-Boxing for Trustworthy Development of RISC-V based Cloud Services (Vitamin-V)
Horizon Europe AERO Project: Accelerated EuRopean clOud (AERO) Horizon Europe Research Project
Horizon Europe NANCY Project: An Artificial Intelligent Aided Unified Network for Secure Beyond 5G Long Term Evolution (NANCY)
H2020 Digifed Enoch Project: H2020 R&D Digifed Enoch to virtualize and remote Vehicle Service and Diagnostic Gateway (VSDG)
H2020 EVEREST Project: EVEREST H2020 research project, Design environment for extreme-scale big data analytics on virtualized & accelerated heterogeneous platforms
H2020 5GCity Project: 5GCity H2020 project, a distributed cloud and radio platform for 5G Neutral Hosts, to enable 5G multi-access edge computing infrastructure.
H2020 EU NGPaaS: Next Generation Platform as a Service (NGPaaS), to build a |hardware accelerated reference stack for future 5G/NFV networks ready to be deployed for telco-grade use-cases.
H2020 EU dReDBox: Disaggregated Recursive Datacentre-in-a-Box (dReDBox), to change the current paradigm of virtualization in datacenters by extending the KVM/QEMU hypervisor to benefit from disaggregated memory and peripherals.
H2020 EU ExaNeSt: European eXAscale system interconNEct and STorage (ExaNeSt), with efficient live migration, inter-VM networking and VM-based MPI infrastructure.
H2020 EU ExaNoDe: European Exascale Processor Memory Node Design, with accelerators virtualization and VM save/restore in exascale HPC
H2020 EU SESAME 5G-PPP: Small cEllS coordinAtion for Multi-tenancy and Edge services by NFV networking virtualization and FPGA accelerators virtualization
H2020 EU TAPPS Project: Trusted APPS for open CPSs in a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)
FP7 EU DREAMS Project: Distributed REal-time Architecture for Mixed criticality Systems
FP7 EU SAVE Project: Self-Adaptive Virtualization-Aware High-Performance/Low-Energy Heterogeneous System Architectures
FP7 EU TRESCCA Project: TRustworthy Embedded Systems for Secure Cloud Computing Applications
FP7 EU vIrtical Project: SW/HW Extensions for Heterogeneous Multicore Platforms