Linux / eMCOS® POSIX consolidation with VOSySmonitor on the Renesas R-Car H3 Salvator-XS
Full and Efficient Usage of CPU Computing Time with Higher Isolation than Traditional Type-1 Hypervisor for Mixed-Critical Systems
eSOL and Virtual Open Systems at Embedded World, Nuremberg 2019

Virtual Open Systems collaborates with a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) provider company called eSOL Co., Ltd, to provide a powerful and integrated solution for Automotive mixed-critical systems. The proposed software stack is based on eMCOS® POSIX, a scalable real-time operating system POSIX compliant, and VOSySmonitor, an ISO 26262 certified virtualization layer based on ARM TrustZone. This solution enables a full and efficient usage of computing resources by co-executing on top of VOSySmonitor generic OSes (such as Linux) with eMCOS® POSIX, without compromising its excellent real-time capability and high throughput.

Furthermore, using Arm TrustZone on VOSySmonitor, it also enables strong isolation and partitioning of hardware resources allocated to eMCOS® POSIX in order to guarantee the most appropriate and reliable execution of safety critical applications that demand a high level of security. Moreover, thanks to its innovative architecture, VOSySmonitor has substantially superior latency performances than traditional type-1 hypervisor solutions.

Linux / eMCOS POSIX consolidation with VOSySmonitor on the Renesas R-Car H3 Salvator-XS
This video showcases an use-case example for modern generation of car virtual cockpit, which has been demonstrated at the eSOL booth at the Embedded World 2019 in Nuremberg (Germany) jointly by Virtual Open Systems and eSOL; eMCOS® POSIX and VOSySmonitor are used to consolidate an In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) system and an Instrument Digital Cluster with multiple displays control on a single Renesas R-Car H3 Salvator-XS. Such solution enables the integration of safety-critical and non-critical information on a single display, while guaranteeing rendering for the safety-critical output hosting in eMCOS® POSIX. This is achieved by the key component VOSySmonitor, which ensures full isolation of eMCOS® POSIX, in charge to control the display of digital tell tales when diagnostic information is received through the CAN interface. On the other hand, an open source hypervisor (i.e., Linux-KVM) is executing on top of VOSySmonitor in order to provide a virtualized environment for the non-critical domain.
Features of eMCOS® POSIX on VOSySmonitor
- High reliability and functionality through the coexistence of eMCOS® POSIX (RTOS) and Linux (Generic OS) on multi-core processor
- CPU time is fully utilized as generic OS operates during eMCOS® POSIX idle time
- By leveraging Arm TrustZone, VOSySmonitor ensures highest isolation for the hardware resources assigned to eMCOS® POSIX (memory, peripherals, etc.)
- eMCOS® POSIX has higher priority over generic OS, and will not be interfered by generic OS, thus guaranteeing best in class latency performances
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