Research Tax Credit (CIR) Approval Granted to VOSyS to Provide CIR Eligible R&D SW Services
Research project expertise of the company

Virtual Open Systems is firmly committed to provide high quality products and services thanks to its team of experts working every day to meet the stringent innovation requirements and expectation of its customers, without ever neglecting, for the benefit of its partners, any related research and innovation aspects.
The company has consolidated a strong research and development know-how and has built a low level layer software technical expertise through many years of experience in european projects, from FP7 to H2020 research frameworks, where it has actively contributed in many research and innovation projects, with the result of pervading with innovative virtualization technologies different market segments such as automotive, industrial, IoT, SoHo and consumer Edge.
Over the years, the company has been able to put in place and to implement company and product procedures that have resulted into ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 26262:2011 certifications; last but not least and always with the spirit of providing its customers with the best level of innovation, quality and economic offer, Virtual Open Systems has applied for and has been granted approval by the french administration for the research tax credit (CIR) for the years 2020, 2021 and 2022, which results to its french customers to apply and benefit of significant tax credit.
The approval for the CIR research tax credit, what is it and what is for?

Virtual Open Systems has been granted, by the Ministry of higher education, Research and Innovation (MESRI), in accordance with the article 244 quater B, II d bis, of the french tax general code, the approval of private research entity to provide research tax credit (CIR) eligible work for its customers; thus accrediting the company of its potential in research and development service activities for its own customers. Indeed, following the examination, the company is authorized to carry on, under its own scientific responsibility and with its own resources, scientific and technical research activities for its own customers.
Thus, Virtual Open Systems is included in the list of CIR-approved research organizations regularly updated and published on MESRI. Obtaining this accreditation does not change the company's activities, on the contrary, Virtual Open Systems continues its product and service activities, focused on R&D and innovation as it has been also in the past.
CIR approval allows the french customers of Virtual Open Systems to request, as research tax credit, the amount of research work they wish to subcontract to Virtual Open Systems. In fact, this CIR approval is essential for applying to CIR, without which the outsourced expenses would be excluded from the CIR basis.
The Research Tax Credit is a tool to support research and development activities of french companies, allowing them to benefit from a tax deduction in relation to expenses incurred in fundamental research and experimental development. More information on the CIR is available on the MESRI website.