Virtual Open Systems Newsletter
In this edition, Virtual Open Systems highlights some of its most recent virtualization activities related to its mixed-criticality software products to strengthen its virtualization offer for automotive, IoT industrial, Edge & Cloud computing, virtualized set-top-box & networking gateways. In addition, the most recent news about the company dissemination are described, together with its latest research and innovation projects news and its leading activity in the AGL Automotive Grade Linux EG-Virt virtualization working group.
- Product release: VOSySmonitor v3.0.0 - configuration tool to manage resources
- Mixed-critical virtualization: VOSySmcs - eMCOS® POSIX upon VOSySmonitor
- InvestEU event: Investors loves innovation - Virtual Open Systems at InvestEU
- H2020 RIA: dReDBox final review meeting - the datacenter disaggregated
- Virtualization solution: SoC VOSySmonitor SDK - Broadening the user base
Enabling safety functional virtualization in Automotive, IoT Edge, Industry-4.0 & HPC Disaggregation

Virtual Open Systems announces the new release v3.0.0 of its VOSySmonitor virtualization product powering mixed-critical systems. By leveraging on ARM TrustZone, VOSySmonitor provides a system security architecture that ensures the best isolation of the safety critical partition, stronger than any conventional and commercial virtualization solution. In addition to the improvements implemented in the VOSySmonitor service layers, such as the VOSySVirtualNet and the Secure Proxy Service Layer (SPSL), VOSySmonitor v3.0.0 is enhanced with two main features to provide customers with the capacity to assign the CPU resources of a heterogenous ARM based platform, thus ensuring the most efficient usage of computing power for a given mixed-critical system. Indeed, VOSySmonitor is capable to safely and efficiently co-execute a multicore safety critical OS along with a General Purpose Operating Systems (GPOS), such as Linux-KVM. Moreover, a configuration framework tool is provided with VOSySmonitor v3.0.0 in order to enable users to customize VOSySmonitor features and the scheduling of mixed-critical systems running in each world, according to custom needs. For example, it is possible to configure the assignment of the available cores for the execution of the different systems running on top of VOSySmonitor.

Virtual Open Systems is partnering with eSOL Co., Ltd, a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) supplier, to provide a powerful and integrated solution for Automotive mixed-critical systems based on eMCOS® POSIX, a scalable real-time operating system POSIX compliant, and VOSySmonitor, a certified ARM TrustZone based virtualization layer. Such solution enables a full and efficient usage of computing resources by co-executing on top of VOSySmonitor generic OSes (such as Linux) with eMCOS® POSIX, without compromising its excellent real-time capability and high throughput. Furthermore, using Arm TrustZone on VOSySmonitor, it also enables strong isolation and partitioning of hardware resources allocated to eMCOS® POSIX in order to guarantee the most appropriate and reliable execution of safety critical applications that demand a high level of security. Target market segments for this solution are automotive and other next-generation mobility systems. Last but not least, a mixed-critical automotive In-Vehicle Infotainment and Instrument cluster demonstration using eMCOS POSIX on VOSySmonitor has been showcased at the eSOL booth at the Embedded World 2019 in Nuremberg, Germany, jointly by Virtual Open Systems and eSOL.

Virtual Open Systems is selected by the European Commission as one of the most innovative SME in Europe for innovation related to software defined vehicles to attend the 2019 InvestEU Matchmaking event in Brussels. InvestEU Matchmaking is an innovation event where public and private sector actors discuss about sustainable finance and technological innovation. This event is part of the European Commission InvestEU Programme which aims to support innovation investments in the EU through public and private funding. As an H2020 Seal of Excellence holder, Virtual Open Systems attends a dedicated matchmaking session where the company strategy roadmap for software defined connected cars is shared with private investors. The technology provided by Virtual Open Systems is the foundation software layer upon which highly secure modern applications can be built within a guaranteed functional safety system environment to fuel new generations of smart and green mobility.

After three intense years, the dReDBox H2020 research project comes to its final successful project review with a meeting which takes place in Dublin. A final project prototype is set up and configured to showcase several demonstrations, from pure functional ones (like zero-copy migration and device disaggregation) to more articulated ones led by the use cases project partners. Virtual Open Systems showcases a device disaggregation demonstrator, which consists in accessing a disaggregated storage disk from an ARMv8 virtual machine. Disks and virtual machines are disaggregated in remote units, communicating each other via a disaggregated shared memory. Overall, the consortium partners have successfully demonstrated the validity of a disaggregated architecture, where computing resources, storage resources and memory are nodes interconnected by an optical network and the virtualization layer serves as glue to seamlessly access these resources from remote virtual machines.

VOSySmonitor is proven to be a reliable ARMv8 and ARMv7 monitor layer solution, capable of a superior isolation of safety critical applications when compared to traditional type-1 hypervisors, thus being the solution of choice for functional safety critical industrial and automotive applications. Virtual Open Systems makes one step forward, by simplifying the integration of VOSySmonitor directly onto market relevant SoCs. Indeed, by extending the SoC board support packages (BSP) with VOSySmonitor support through the VOSySmonitor SDK, system integrators and users can easily implement advanced, out-of-the-box, firmwares capable of tackling safety critical use cases in various industrial, IoT edge and embedded systems. The release of this VOSySmonitor-SDK will be firstly announced on a restricted set of SoC development boards, then extended in future.
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